Saturday, August 31, 2013

2 sides of the situation

I love this!!!! Isn't that amazing!? It's all how you see it. When you shift your perspective, everything changes!!! As my mother always told me that

"There are always 2 sides in anything. How you see it is up to you. Do you want to see it with positive attitude? Or do you want to see it with not-so-much-positive attitude?!"

The moment you realize that you don't have to deal with that heavy baggage you've carried for such a long time, you will feel so much lighter. Hopefully your question will be "Why on earth was carrying such a thing!???" You see?! Whenever something/someone upsets me, I'd try to see it as "I'm glad that I'm different". Of course, there are times that it's my fault or my ego talking. Of course I'm not perfect. Not even close. and I won't even THINK about being perfect. Isn't it nice to have room to grow!? Isn't it nice to know that there are more things to learn?! Isn't it nice to know that there are so many different perspective than what you have!?

What happened and what other people has done, you can't change the fact. The only thing you can change is your perspective and how you learn from the incident. Nothing ever happens TO you. Everything happens FOR you. Things are there FOR YOU TO BECOME BETTER YOU.

When you feel like you're stuck somewhere. maybe your job, in your relationship, whatever the situation you are in you have two options. Get out there, or stay there and fight to change the situation. It is a thin line. I agree. On one side, it seems like you are just quitting. And on the other hand, it seems like you are starting the new start! What people say doesn't matter. Just believe in your choice. You KNOW what's best for you. If people tell you that you are a quitter, IGNORE them. They don't know your story. Or tell them that you are starting a new chapter in your life. You know what you are doing. To know when to move on is not a easy decision.

Start changing how you see the situation. Start making a choice that's gonna benefit your life and your future. Start being grateful for the things you are given. That's very important. If you can't see what you have, you'll always see what's missing. If you start focusing on what you already have, you'll find more things to be grateful for. That's how you attract positive things. And it's so easy!!! You don't need anything to shift your perspective! ALL YOU NEED IS YOU!!! So, let's start together!!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
you'll get by.
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
For you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying.
You'll find that life is still worthwhile-
If you just smile.
"Smile" by Charlie Chaplin

What a beautiful song. So, let's smile. Because life is still worthwhile because you just smiled. Thank you for smiling. I arppreciate that.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Speak out!

We have things that you feel so strongly about. Like, what you want to accomplish. And sometimes, it feels like it's too big to talk about. Maybe out of fear. Maybe out of doubt. The reason can be anything. And I understand that feeling. It's not easy to talk about your dream especially when your confidence level is not as high as you want it to be. Not when where you are is not exactly where you want it to be. It's difficult. It's almost make you feel like you don't deserve to talk about things like that. Like you are not good enough. I understand that feeling so much.

But, I also belive that it's good talk about your dreams and goals. As a matter of fact, I encourage you to talk about them. Not to some strangers. but talk to someone who can inspire and encourage you to move forward. First of all, it's great to know what you want. Second of all, being able to talk to someone, to have someone you can talk to is a blessing. You talk to them, speak out, let that feeling come out from you. Once it's out, you can't back down. At least, the motivation will be different. Now someone else knows what you are after. So, it's the extra push that you might need at that moment. Also by talking to someone other than you, you might find something else that was hidden inside you. Keep talking, you might be surprised by what you said. And that's good. That might have been what you really needed to hear. You get inspired anyway. It doesn't have to be organized. It doesn't even have to make sense. You are feeding good energy out to the world. You're attracting good things to your life.

You're gonna get there. Just keep at it. Work hard. And always keep faith. You're gonna need it.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ask and it shall be given

It's all the "Law of Attraction". You keep positive thoughts and act as if it's already there. You talk like it's there. You act like it's there. And know that it's there. As they say, there's nothing you can't be, do or have. Yes!!!! The only downside of this is that you don't know WHEN it's gonna happen. And the fact is that we pretty much want it to be RIGHT NOW. Sadly, you'll never know. You won't know until it happens. It's a bit strange, isn't it!?

You know it's gonna happen.
But you don't know WHEN it's gonna happen.
And they key for that to happen is the act as it already happened, it's already happening.

So, all we can do is believe. And let the Universe take care of it. With your faith, you will receive. You will get the healing, you will get that job, you will get that promotion you wanted.You will receive. But you cannot doubt, not even an inch of doubt shall not enter your mind. It's already been planted for you even before you know it was there. Way before you were born, it was already written in the sky.

Today, a great thing happened. I've been praying that things will turn around for my boyfriend who I care so much. I've known that it will happen for him. I didn't know when but I knew that it's gonna happen for him. And it did. Finally it did. Things are starting to turn around. More and more opportunities are coming in. The doors are opening up for him. I am so happy for him and proud of him for keeping the positive thoughts and prayer for himself. His faith is strong. It's just a beginning. But this is just a beginning. The supernatural power of this Universe has just started to show itself. The shower of blessing is pouring down on him like there's no end. It's unlimited. He acted and knew as if he's got it. and in his mind he did already have the success. He has been patient for such a long time. But he never quite. He never stopped believing in himself. That's exactly what we're gonna have to do.

ASK. It might feel weird to be asking. But be bold, don't be afraid to ask. As a matter of fact, keep asking! Spread the word! Let them know what you want! Speak out loud!!! So, people are going to WANT TO HELP YOU!!!! So, ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE. Because you are worth it. There's nothing you can't BE, DO, or HAVE. You already GOT it. i read this in a book. It's like buying something online. You ordered it, you know it's gonna be delivered to you. You just don't know exactly when. But since you know that you don't really worry. You might have an idea. but You odn't know EXACTLY WHEN.  But you won't really doubt that if it's gonna be there or not. You just gonna be waiting without going crazy. You've already got your ticket. Why do you stress yourself!? You're already on the plane, Why do worry that you won't get to your destination!??? Your destination is already covered. The Universe GOT this!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

the Priority of your life

What is your priority!??? For example, when you want to lose your weight, eating whole pack of chocolate should not be your priority. When you have an important test the next day, going out late at night should not be your priority. When you have a callback for a national commercial, going to your day job shouldn't be your priority.

Sometimes, making that choice might not come easy to you as much as you want. But, when you know that it is the right choice and the move you should be making, don't be afraid. Just do the right thing, and the result will come to you. You know what is the right thing to do. And you might have to make sacrifices. You might have to make difficult discisions. You might have to risk something big You might have to say no to someone you care. You might have to give up something you are so accustomed to. And you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone. That is a must. Get out of your comfort zone. That's the only way you're going to get to where you want to be.

By taking the risk, you are gaining more opportunities.
By saying bye to the old, you are saying hi to the new.
By letting go of the fear, you are getting stronger.
By facing challenges, you are growing.
By living your life the fullest, your life is surrounded by more abundance.

You see?!  The Universe tells you. You know it already. You've already made so much excuses not to do it. Don't let yourself get away from your full potential. Don't let your opportunities go away. My friend told me once, "

This life is filled with opportunities and potentials. Only those who are ready can see them and grasp them. So, we have to be ready no matter what."

And I'd like to add one more thing. We have to always have positive mentality for ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. and guess what?! What do we need to do that!? LOVE, HOPE and FAITH.

Be responsible for your own life. If you don't know what you want to do with your life, it's ok. For now, think about what makes you happy. You will eventually find out what it is that you want to do. The seeds are already in you. You have everything you need in you! Water ir, nature it, and LOVE it no matter what. You know what to do. Because you're born knowing it. Remember who you are and who you will be. And work for it.You will get there.


Friday, August 16, 2013

ONE Singular Sensation

Have you ever watch the show MONK?? He has the most extreme OCD you can possibly imagine. And in his closet, he only has the same shirts, exactly the same shirts. Same size, same color, same everything. They all face he same way in the same exact hanger, ironed perfectly. And he picks up one shirt every morning because that one, that particular one stood up to him. It looked different to him by some how. Do you see the one thing that stood up to him?!?

We've all been rejected. We've all been told that we're not good enough or smart enough. You know the feeling. When you wait in the holding room before your huge interview. Everyone dressed the same, and some how that person stands out to you. Then you start thinking so many things in your head. You start thinking you should have done this and that. You feel like you should have dressed differently. You feel like you should have listen to your parents and gobe to different school  You feel like you are not gonna make it.


Seriously. You can't change what has happened in the past. You can't go back and go to different school. You are there already. Focus on NOW. Right at this moment. You're there for reasons. You took that path for reasons. You were suppose to meet that person you hate so much to learn the lesson. You were protected from the huge accident that you might have gotten involved in. Do you think what you know now if you didn't take that path?!? Do you think you are who you are if you didn't experience that pain?!? So those are the things that makes you different from all the other people. Everything you've been up until now were there FOR you, not TO you. You might not see it that way now, but that's the truth. That's what makes you who you are. That's what makes you better you than the one from yesterday, or a month ago, or a year ago. You're better you than you from yesterday.

And guess what!?!? Everyone else in the room is thinking the same way. They all want to be the one to get picked. They all want to be the one shirt that's get picked up from the all the same shirts in that closet.

Accept who you are and embrace the path you took for it has given you what you have. It can be anything, friends, family, knowledge, prosperity, skills,  kindness, strength.... The moment you see all that differently, you'll start seeing the value and lessons within. Take a moment and a huge breath. And let's say someone else went through the exact same path as you did. And still it doesn't make him the person as you are. You are unique in your own way. You are already wonderful and beautiful. So, let go the fear. Let go the idea that you're not good enough. Let go the worry for the future. Let go of the limitations that's in your head.  You're provided. The success is on your way. You just need to learn to let go and be free. You have so much more to offer to the Universe. You will be the ONE SHIRT THAT GETS PICKED. You are the ONE SINGULAR SENSATION. And you're worth it.

Believe and know that you are worth it.
Accept that unlimited posibilities and happiness that's in store for you.

Remember, you're the ONE SINGULAR SENSATION.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

What to do with our dreams?!

Why do we dream!? Why do we want to pursue what we want so much. Why do we fight for it?! Why can't we just give and let go!? Why it doesn't happen when and where we want it to happen?

And I can keep going with those questions. And to answer all those questions, well, if there's an answer that is, it will be

Because that's what you're born to do.

Do you get it? If that is the answer to all the question, why is it that we sturrgle so much? Why can't we just born with that in our hands?!

Then, the whole different sequence of questions happen. We want things to be our way. We want thinhgs to happen in our time schedule. And when it doesn't we get upset. And even those who are very faithful and patient ones will hit walls at time to time. They'd tell themselves that this too shall pass, it's another test and lesson need to be leanred. And they wait, wait, wait,....and wait some more. Then what happens!? Does it happen!? Are you happy!? Are you where you want to be!? It's so easy to believe in something you can't see and it's so difficult to keep faith in something you don't see.

"Count Down My Life", that's the title of the show I watched last night. It was about this inspiring writer, who is about to turn 30 years old. He struggle to finish his story, can't seem to find who he is, and being confronted by his past. Then, he find himself after discovering the shocking truth.

The reason might be simple as because you liked it. You wanted to make your parents proud. You wanted to see your girlfriend smile. You wanted to be someone else.... The reason can be anything. But when you finally realize that that's want you want to do with your life, rather what you are meant to do in this life time, what will you do!? Will it change anything?? Will you give you more strength to move forward? Will it give you more pressure to be good at it? And through that path, what are you offering to the rest of the world?! What is your part in this Universe?!

Everyone wants to be happy. it's just how we are. We want abundance, Love from family and friends, and success. It's just how it is. And guess what?! You will have all that. Because if you want it so badly, that means that's gonna happen to you. If it is something that you weren't meant to have, the feeling of wanting wouldn't have been planted to you in the first place. You are about to get the very things that you've been wanted for a long time. So, be patient little bit more. When you are frustrated, just think of how you're gonna enjoy that moment. Keep picturing that image, feel that image, and enjoy that image. it will happen. It's already been placed in your life. You're so close. You are almost there. So, just a little bit more patient. And always remember why you're born to this world. Why you want that so much.

I'm gonna sing no matter what. because that's what I was born to do. why do i want to do it?! becuase that's the only way I know how to inspire people. If they can see a spark of excitment in their life through my voice, it worth so much.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Manifesting Change

You've heard about "the Secret", and "the Law of Attraction". I'm all into that metaphysical things and spirituality. Right now, I'm reading this book called "Manifesting Change" by Mike Dooley. I highly recommend it to everyone who are also into this, and of course for those who are not buying any of this. You are what you attract and what you think. Your thoughts become reality. He explains it so well about how you shift the way you think. Your life should be lead by joy. There's no it should or has to. The joy will guide you through your life. He uses this thing "A note from the Universe". and I just want to share one part with you.

There are no mistakes, and it is all good. Follow your heart and delight in your preference. Approve of yourself. Stake your claim -demand it- and hold out your hands. Banish your doubts, get off your knees, and live as you please because, dearest, you can, and this is all I ever wanted.

with unspeakable love, I am -
The Universe
 "Manifesting Change" Mike Dooley

That's the message from the Universe. We all want happiness, abundance, and worry-free life. It's all there. It's all in our hands. Start feeling happy, acting happy, and living happy. Everything will come to you. Your brain can't really tell whether you're pretending or experiencing. So, the more you experience(=pretend), the more positive energy you send out to the Universe. And the more you send out to the Universe, the more will happen for you. Stop focusing on "NOT having", and start experiencing what you've already got.

The power is always and always has been within you. Start experiencing and stop limiting yourself from anything that was holding you back. They don't matter any more. You are free. You can attract whatever you want. So the question is..... What do you want to attract!??


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shift your thoughts

"Where you are right now is not who you are"........... Mike Dooley

Everything is temporary. You can't judge yourself by where you are or what you are going through right now. You're not the complete product. There are still so much for you to learn and so much more room to grow. And just because you're in a rough patch, it doesn't mean that you are being punished or anything like that. You just don't know how to attract things in a right way.

For example, when you don't want to catch cold, instead of thinking "I don't wanna get sick", you should be thinking "Thank goodness I'm healthy!!!". By thinking "I don't wanna get sick", you are actually attracting "getting sick". But, we do that. When you don't want something, we do think "I don't want this". it's just a habbit you have to break out. you won't know that you're attracting sick that way unless someone tells you. You see, it's just a little bit thing that you can shift.

Whatever you're going through, or wherever you are right now, but it's only temporary. You'll get out of it, and you'll get to better place. You will go farther. And you'll get there because you learned something from where you are now. You are there because you need to learn something. Or, you are there to teach someone something. Or you might not know why you are there at all. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you are there that moment. So, instead of thinking something you don't want, think what you want. And know what you want. Feel what you wantas if you already have it. Experience what you want as if you already have it. Appreciate what you want as if you already have it. You know whay?! Because you will have it. It's just that you haven't gotten it yet. Let's switch the way we think. and we'll be amazing!!!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm making a difference by being myself

Don't you love it?! Oscar Wilde knew what he was saying. You have to be true to who you are no matter what. And you should be the first one to love you for who you are. Because you are beautiful inside and out. Because you are talented. Because you are kind. Because you are free. Because you are amazing.... I can keep going. Embrace what you have. That's gonna help you see more things to be grateful for. I read this little story in Joel Osteen's book while back ago. A kid, let's say Andy,  was trying to act like his best friend, Ben, because Andy thought Ben was pretty cool. But Ben was trying to behave like Carl who was an excellent athlete. And Carl was trying to act like Dean who was very smart. And guess what!??? Dean was trying to be like Andy who was very funny. You see what's happening! So, Andy was trying to be himself the whole time!!!! You just gonna have to be you. And appearently you're gonna be great at it.

There are going to be many things and many people who are going to discourage or disturb you from being truely who you are. Don't pay attention. Don't listen to them. You don't need them. All you have to do is to listen to your inner voice. Once you know your purpose in this life time, you'll get stronger every moment. You'll spread more happiness. You'll smile more often and laugh more often. You'll share your gift to the world. And eventually, you'll see that that is your purpose. So be better than you from yesterday. Tomorrow, be better than you from right now.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Power of your words

Do you have any idea how strong the power of the words we speak are!??? It's ridiculous. It's beyond our comprehension. That's how strong they are.

I try to speak positive. Once I read the interview about this actress. She said that "she wants to be a person who doesn't say she's tired when she is. Because once it comes out of her mouth, it'll become true." That comment had a huge impact on me. I wasn't a big fan of her or anything like that. But that comment made me want to change the way approach life. I didn't want to be that person who complains and tell the world how tired I am or how dramatic my life is. It makes me want to be the person who appreciate and embrace life. Everyone can complain but not everyone can truly embrace the gift of life. And the moment I stop complaining and telling the world how tired I was, things changed. not drastically, but it changed. I started seeing more happy things. I started smile more and laugh more. I started getting less tired and less sad. I started having more energy and love for life. It was fascinating. And I started to think before I say things. Before, it was a mess!!!  A COMPLETE MESS!!!! I just said things. Without thinking, the words would come out of mouth. And that started to change. I started to think before I speak. Sure, sometimes I still say things before I think. But, I started to pay attention to what I was saying.

I started to put more positive thought into what words come out from my mouth.

More positive. Less negative.

I learned that every word we speak has strong power. And once it comes out, you can't take it back. It's a form of energy that goes around in this Universe. So, once it's out, it has to go somewhere. And if it doesn't get received somewhere, it'll come back to you eventually. So, why not receive positive energy!? And if it does get received by someone, why not make it positive even more? Doesn't that make more sense to give positive thought and energy to other people?

Have you realized that positive people always speak positive even though they are in a rough situation!? And negative people speak only negative even though they are in a good situation!? Have you noticed that? And at the end of the day, positive people tend to get more positive result than negative people. Not always, but most of the time. Thinking about an idea is one thing, and speaking about the same idea is another thing. It has different energy. And it also affect people around you. People who complain drains other people's energy. You don't want to be around negative people all the time, do you!? Wouldn't you rather be with someone who makes you smile and laugh!?

Start thinking before you speak until it becomes so natural for you to speak in positive way. And you have to believe what you're saying. It will take time, but once it does, you life will shift. And it will for the better.

Keep spreading the positive thoughts to the world!!!! Send out positive energy. At the end of the day, you're sending them out to yourself!!! Remember, Love is the source of everything! Once you start appreciating your tiny things, you'll see how much blessed you are. You will!!! So, let's speak POSITIVE LANGUAGE. That's should be your first language. It's Universal.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect

Give up trying to be perfect. – Sometimes we try to show the world that we are flawless in hopes that we will be liked and accepted by everyone.  But we can’t please everyone, and we shouldn’t try.  The beauty of us lies in our vulnerability, our love, our complex emotions – our authentic imperfections.  When we embrace who we are and decide to be authentic, instead of perfect, we open ourselves up to real relationships, real happiness, and real success.  There is no need to put on a mask.  There is no need to pretend to be someone you’re not.  You are perfectly imperfect just the way you are.
------Marc and Angel Hack Life
                Practical Tip for Productive Living

I love their Blog so much. They inspired me to start this blog. Their knowledge about life is so vast and deep. and I can't even imagine how they've come so far. And they just don't write it down. I feel the love from their writing every time I read it. They genuinely want to share the love with the universe.  So, I just want to say thank you to Marc and Angel. The most important thing is that you can't just read this amazingly inspring blog. You have to apply those tips and new inspiring ideas into your own life. Reading won't do anything without any action. The action is what makes your life different. People say "Action speaks louder than your words". So, be loud as much as you can. Your life is filled with potentials and possibilities. It's all there. The success you want, the life you want..... they are all there. You just gonna have to get there. The thing you are facing right now, that's another wall you gonna have to tear it down before you get there. The another challenge you have to face. It's all for you to be stronger, wiser and kinder to others. You can do this.

Everyone's life is blessing to someone else's life. This Universe has bigger picture than you can imagine. You might be placed there for someone else to learn something from you. You might not see that happen, but you're there for you and for someone else. Isn't that amazing that you're blessing for someone's life? Someone you might know, someone you might not know.. it doesn't matter. You're there for a reason. You are that important to this Universe. You are not the exccess part of the puzzle. You are the piece that CANNOT BE REPLACED. You are that important. and it has to be YOU. it can't be someone else. So, be happy for who you are. Enjoy who you are. Love who you are. And embrace who you are. Like they said

"You are perfectly imperfect the way you are."
