Monday, April 29, 2013

Choice vs choice

When you're in doubt, that is the moment that your true quality is being tested. Are you strong enough to move forward and keep going? or will you close the door behind you and look the other way? The choice is there for you. You have to make a dicision. Are you the person with faith???

As a matter of fact, life is the continuous chain of choices. Some are conscious choices, the others are not. But you're making the choices along the way. You make mistakes at times. You back up in your dicision. You change your disicions. You are determined to that choice. You become successful with that dicision. The outcomes can change every single minutes. You have that power and at the same time, you are not in charge of the result. It's frustrating, isn't it? But, there's a lesson. You gotta let that go. Once you make the choice and do your part, you have to let that go.

The world is changing drasticly. It's not the same anymore. The spiritual energy is flowing in like crazy. Lights and darkness are fighting constantly. We have to believe our inner voice. Trust your instinct and value your quality. You're much more than what you give yourself credit for. Make a dicision that you believe and value.


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