Monday, April 29, 2013

Choice vs choice

When you're in doubt, that is the moment that your true quality is being tested. Are you strong enough to move forward and keep going? or will you close the door behind you and look the other way? The choice is there for you. You have to make a dicision. Are you the person with faith???

As a matter of fact, life is the continuous chain of choices. Some are conscious choices, the others are not. But you're making the choices along the way. You make mistakes at times. You back up in your dicision. You change your disicions. You are determined to that choice. You become successful with that dicision. The outcomes can change every single minutes. You have that power and at the same time, you are not in charge of the result. It's frustrating, isn't it? But, there's a lesson. You gotta let that go. Once you make the choice and do your part, you have to let that go.

The world is changing drasticly. It's not the same anymore. The spiritual energy is flowing in like crazy. Lights and darkness are fighting constantly. We have to believe our inner voice. Trust your instinct and value your quality. You're much more than what you give yourself credit for. Make a dicision that you believe and value.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tuning in to the right station

I've mentioned about alignment, the law of attraction, the positive approach towards your life in general... so on and so on. And it occured to me that (well, again,) IT's SOOO MUCH EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!!!!! I mean, is there anyone who disagree with me on this??? I'm pretty sure that no one!!! I gurantee it. Usually, when I say something positive to someone, or in this blog, that's actually the messege and lesson to myself. I'm telling it to myself, reminding it to myself how I should approach this life. so, as long as this blog keeps going, I'll always be in the learning process, evolving process. So, please stick with me. I will say negative things, or not that positive things time to time. I'm changing, and I always will. If a person thinks he/she is already complete, what's the point of living? Don't you think that it'll be so boring if there's no more room to improve?

An amazing article came across to me today. It's been said so many times in all the law of attraction stuff. It always says "Tune in to the right vibration". And it's not easy to do that. We have the mentality of "Not Having", "Missing" feeling when we long for something. We want it, because we don't have it. How can you tune yourself into "NOT having" to "Having"? You gotta train your brain to do that. It's like a muscle memory. You gotta keep at it, till it comes to you naturally. It has to be your second nature. When you want something, your attitude should be " I GOT THIS!!!!", instead of "I'm imagining that I'm having this". it's completely different state!

So, today's lesson???? YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Positive mindset

This is sooo true. Everything changes when you change how to approach your life. When I'm in a bad funk, it gets ugly. Sometimes, you have to surrender and let the universe do the work. Stop forcing things to happen. Cuz it won't. Especially when you are stuck or lost, breathe. Center yourself. Pay attention to the signs.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We make our own destiny

Sometimes I wonder where I've been 
Who I am 
Do I fit in 
I may not win 
But I can't be thrown 
Out here on my own 
On my own

-Out here on my own by Irene Cara-

Monday, April 22, 2013


Do you wonder if you belong somewhere?!? Or do you know where you belong? Or you think you don't have to belong anywhere?

You don't have to look left because everyone else is doing it. You don't have to say yes, because everyone else says yes. You can improve or change the perspective of the outcome. But you're there because there's something for you to learn. You don't have to stay in one place because you feel like you belong there.

You are who you are.
You are beautiful and wonderful.
Different is good. The truth is there's no way you can't "not" be different.
You're unique. Be grateful for it.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happiness is a choice!!!

You might have heard soooooo many times, but it's true.

Happiness is a choice. Enormous amount of money or materials, or anyone can't give you happiness. It might give you a sense of content. But not happiness. Love who you are. Love the world. Love the people.

Too many sad things are happening nowadays. I just don't understand why. And my only answer is that they aren't aware of love. I feel sadness and loneliness. Love is everywhere. So see it, feel it, and embrace it.

Love is the only way. Happiness is the only way.

Let your life filled with love.

My thoughts and prayer go to those who're affected. And please let their heart fill with love.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Audrey Hepburn

I adore Audrey Hepburn. What a beautiful person she is. Inside and outside. Her quotes are graceful and passionate. Her actions and smile had influenced so many people. So, I just wanna share some of her beautiful words.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!-Audrey Hepburn

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. -- Audrey Hepburn

Not to live for the day, that would be materialistic -- but to treasure the day. I realize that most of us live on the skin -- on the surface -- without appreciating just how wonderful it is simply to be alive at all. -- Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Don't work hard "not to be wrong".

I love my dance teacher. He pushes us, and helps us grow.

"Don't work hard "not to be wrong", take a risk "to be right".

Lot of us do this. Instead of getting it right, we do things good enough, not to be wrong. So we end up somwhere in the middle. Just mediocre. Do you wanna settle for not good??? Or do you wanna try to be good or great. Of course you wanna be great!

There're many people who will be better than you, greater than you. But is that gonna stop you from trying?? Is your heart smaller than theirs?? Is your passion weaker than theirs???

No! Absolutely not.

Your heart keeps you going. Your passion will keep you from stopping. Don't settle for mediocrity. If you gonna do something, do it right, or do it so wrong with great passion so that they'll remember you.

I love that!! You can be the most beautiful person in the room with nothing memorable, or you can be the average looking person with the most charming personality that illuminates the room.

If you're gonna try something, do it to be right, rather than to be "not wrong".


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Don't be your own worst enemy

Well, everyone knows that it's not easy to be your own worst enemy. It's just not easy. We compare ourselves to others. We criticize ourselves. We doubt on and so on. We see things what other people don't see. When those pile up, it'll crash you. Seriously. It's just too much pressure you put on to yourself. Sadly, most of the time we don't realize that till we've done so much damage to ourselves.

Let other people do that. It's not your job. What you should be doing in stead is to be your best supporter. You know when you're working hard. You know when you need to push yourself. You know you're gonna be the best you are. You don't have to be your enemy. Be your best friend. Love who you are. Love who you're going to be. That love will help you grow.

Don't make a mistake. Being your best supporter and spoiling yourself is completely different thing.

When you're your best supporter, you can go farther than you've imagined. And you have that power.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


To be aligned is essential. You have to constantly pay attention to what's going on within you, and yet not be obsessed by it. You don't wanna do that just to be aligned. It should come to you in peace.
You have to expect the unexpected. And when things go out of balance, it takes courage to take a moment, breathe, and accept the situation. It happens. Whether you like it or not, you can't change what's alreasy happened.

What you CAN change is the attitude towards the situation, and how to react to the situation.

So, take a moment. Breathe deep. And align yourself to peace. It will show you a positive perspective. Pay attention to how you breathe. Breathe in love, breathe out love and peace.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Power of believing

You know Walt Disney passed away before the completion of Disneyland. The interviewer asked his brother,

"What would you think Walt'd say if he could see this now?!?"

He answered

"He saw it before anybody did."

Seeing is believing. Yes, it's true. At the sametime, believing would bring your dreams to come true. Without it, you won't have the determination. Believing in yourself, in what you do and what you want give you strengh. It's difficult. I know. Constant rejection and criticism. There're many reasons that makes you wanna not believing. And that is the moment you need to believe the most. And you should know that you can.

Believe it.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Don't be scared of Failing, Be scared of not trying

Don't be scared of failing. Be scared of not trying.

120% agreed.

The older we get, the harder it is to try new things. But it should be the opposite. It should be more exciting. You know that you have so much more. "I'm too old for this and that." it should not come out from anybody's mouth. Just ask yourself a question.

Will you be happy if you die tomorrow?

If the answer is yes, congratulations!!! I think for most of us, the answer would be NO. Then, why not try what you've always wanted to do. Try something new and crazy. Those ideas are in your head because you are capable of doing so.

The other day, my dance teacher told us that

"Too many people are being follower in your owne life. BE a leader of your own life."

Be a leader, not a follower. Push yourself to go forward. Life is too short not to be happy.
