“Do one thing every day that scares you.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
― Eleanor Roosevelt
Right now, I am being challenged like I've never before. I have to completely be honest with myself, face the reality, accept the current truth and step out f that. And it is truly terrifying. As Marianne Williamson says, "doing something new is not difficult, it's just different. Getting over the resistance is difficult." And even as we speak, I am still in resistance. What can I do? The answer is simple. GET OVER MYSELF!!! It is so easy said than done. Absolutely. I am seeing the major commitment right now. I made goals for myself and yet, I am still doing the same thing. Again, the definition of insane is that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the different result. Of course! It truly is time for a change. I need to change. I want to change! I WANT TO CHANGE.
So, there. I declared it. The very first key to anything is to decide that that's what you want and owing that. A lot of people might think that knowing why or how you're gonna get to XYZ, that's the first step. I think, deciding what you want it the very first step. If you don't know what you want, you can't really do anything. When you go to the restaurant, you can't order anything till you know what you want! Right? First, you have to decide that. Then you order exactly what you want. You don't ask for a pizza when you want a burger. If you want a cheese pizza, you don't just say I want pizza, you're going to say you want a cheese pizza. So be specific about what you want and ask for it. If you know exactly what you want, you just don't say you want food. That's just too vague. Be clear and know what you want. Then, what do you do after you order? Trust. Sure, they might make mistakes in your order, everybody makes mistakes. But at the end of the day, you do get what you order and we know that. You don't pace around and say, maybe they will bring me a chocolate cake instead, which might be amazing. But you know what you ordered and you know that it's coming. So, why don't we apply this to the other area in our lives? Decide what you want in detail. Know that that's what you want. Ask exactly what you want. Trust that it's gonna be there and let it go. The great thing about this in other area is that you might actually get something better than what you ask for. You might not get how you want, when you want. But it will be that or something better.
"How" will turn out on its own. Trusting and knowing are the hard part. Then taking action. Live through your commitment. That's something that we are not used to. At least I am not in few areas of my life. Even in the area I thought I was good at, I still am not. I want to make things happen more. I want to go farther. I want my life to expand in love, success and abundance. I want everyone's life to be the same. So I am declaring that the I am changing the way of my life now. I am going to commit. I am going to jump into unknown. I am going to trust that what I want or something better will come to me. I am being bold enough and ask what I want loud and clear. So that I can have empowered life. Jumping into unknown. Let's do this.